Aaicha was born in 1956 in village called Aros. She is married, and is the mother to five boys. Her husband passed away and thus it is her responsibility to support her family. Aaicha has never had the opportunity to attend school, and learned the skills of weaving at a young age from her mother. She loves the idea of the coop and hopes that she will be able to benefit from it.
Hasisi is from Ait Abess, having moved to Tasltant searching for work when she was 40 years old. She is the mother of 4 boys who are all attending school. She hopes that having moved to a new place, her boys will be able to have a good future. In her village, the idea of learning and going to school was not even a question - no one did it. She is grateful that her children can pursue and education in Tasalnant. Hasisi learned weaving recently from one of her family members that lives here. She loves that there is a coop and hopes to be able to earn a sustainable income to support her children's education. She hopes that her work will one day be known by all the world.
Azilal rugs are originally from the high atlas mountains, handmade with intricate and often colorful designs. The plush fabric adds warm and accent to any space
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