Rqia Brka is originally from Tadula Zanfi. While Rqia only finished two years of school, she has been determined to learn and is now enrolled in her association’s literacy class. She learned how to weave from her mom and now continues to weave in the association in her free time. She hopes that one day their sales will improve and that she will be able to make a living from her skills.
6ft 11in x 3ft 7in x 1in
2m 12cm x 1m 8cm x 2cm
5555 grams
Studded Boards,
Natural Wool,
Synthetically Dyed Wool,
Cotton Warp
Product ID: 25478
Questions? Email us hello@theanou.com
The designs made by the association are rooted in the long weaving history of the region. Many of these rugs, known as Taznakht rugs, are made distinct by bright reds and yellows, colors that represent the landscape in which the rugs were made.
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