Itto Mahboub was born in 1984 and never attended school, but as a young girl she learned the art of weaving from her mother. At an early age she married and became a mother to three children and now plays a valuable role in the cooperative.
Tarchkikt Sadiki, a native of Mrirt, was born in 1963. Having never attended school, the married mother of one child learned weaving from her family as she aspired to develop skills and insert her local product in the textile industry.
Mina was born in 1964 in Skhirat. She is a relative to Naima Mahboub from the cooperative Nahda and is a married mother to one child. She does not have a formal education, however, she spent her childhood learning the craft of weaving from her mother.
Rahma Modn was born in 1978 in Skhirat near Tawnat. The married mother of two children has not been formally educated, but aspires to continuously improve her material and develop her professional abilities.
Ganou Mahboub treasurer of the cooperative was born in 1965 in skhirat mastered the craft of weaving where she learned on the mother's hands have not been studied married mother of six sons and one girl
Laziza is the dear older sister of Sadia, creator of the cooperative Nahda. She was born in 1973 in Skhirat and is a married mother to four boys and one girl. She never studied in primary school, but learned how to weave with her siblings from a young age.
3ft 7in x 2ft 6in x 1in
1m 10cm x 77cm x 3cm
2600 grams
Vertical Loom
Tadout - Wool
Product ID: 21249
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Beni Ourain style rugs are pile knot rugs intricately designed and are used as two sided rugs in Oued Ifrane. There is the summer side, when the pile side is placed face down on the ground to keep things cooler. During the winter, the pile side is placed up to keep things warmer. You can find these carpets with natural wool from the local sheep or cotton yarn bought from the village market. Depending on the size of the rug, it can take weeks to create. Each knot needs to be individually tied and cut, so one person is only able to create a meter in two weeks.
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